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Why do I still dream about my ex years later? You’d be surprised at how many people ask themselves this question, given that about 35% of individuals in relationships dream about their current and former partners. Another 17% of single people dream of their ex-partners. We all know that dreams can be enigmatic and puzzling. But what …

Read More about 10 Dream of My Ex Years Later Meanings

We have all dreamt of a house that we have never seen at some point in our lives. Dreams about houses are generally very common, and we often see our childhood home, grandparents’ house, or a weekend house in our dreams. Many dream experts claim that the house has a very rich symbolism and is …

Read More about 9 Dreaming Of A House You’ve Never Been To Meanings

When you dream about being chased by something or someone, you will initially feel anxious. However, when you dream of dogs, their loving and friendly nature can cause calmness.  The prevalence rate of dreaming about dogs is only around 5%. Additionally, although dreams about dogs provide more positivity, 11% of dreamers can also dream about …

Read More about 16 Dream of Dog Chasing Me Meanings