A dream about holding hands can be a sweet dream. You dream of holding hands with someone you love and wake up feeling happy and loved. But what about when you hold hands with someone you shouldn’t like an ex-partner? Or with someone superior, such as your boss or a national or religious leader?
What are the different meanings of these dreams and what messages are they trying to deliver to you? Are dreams about holding hands good omens or are they bringing bad luck or news to you? A lot depends on who you are holding hands with as well as what is happening in your life, since dreams are often reflections of our waking life.
Read on to find out what a dream about holding hands could mean to you.
Hand Symbolism
The Greek philosopher Aristotle said the hand is the ”tool of tools”. But our hands are more than tools, they are also symbols. A hand can symbolize power, protection, and strength. It can also mean stability, hospitality, and generosity.
The right hand is symbolic of rationality. It is more logical, but also aggressive, while the left hand symbolizes weakness and decay. Together, they can symbolize balance. Different hand gestures also have their own meanings such as laying hands on something is a blessing or placing a hand on the heart can signify love or honesty.
Bearing that in mind, what interpretations are there for dreams about holding hands?
What Does it Mean to Dream About Holding Hands?
In waking life, holding hands with someone implies we have a close relationship with that person. Couples hold hands, parents hold their children’s hands, and friends hold each other’s hands. A lot of the time, holding hands in real life is a sign of love and affection.
Sometimes we might hold a person’s hand when we wish to help or protect that person. It can also be an action to teach the other person something, such as to draw or paint.
In dreams, hand-holding often refers to our relationships with other people. The meaning of dreaming depends on who is holding hands as well as what is happening in your waking life. So when you are reading through the interpretations, be mindful to read them in the context of your reality.
1. Holding Hands Generic Meanings
A general dream interpretation for a hand-holding dream is that it shows your love and affection for the other person. The dream may be an expression of anxiety about the person. It is possible that you are scared of losing touch with them or that you fear they will leave you.
Another generic dream meaning is that you wish to have a close friendship with someone. Is there someone in your life you are attracted to? Your wish could symbolize your desire to have your feelings reciprocated. Or the dream could be revealing your inner feelings. Perhaps you hadn’t realized how you felt about them before the dream.
Your dream about holding hands can also be a sign of loneliness in real life, especially if you get dreams like this often. If you have been feeling isolated from others, the dream is prompting you to take action. Consider what you can do to create closer bonds with the people in your life.
2. Holding Hands With Your Partner
A dream about you and your partner holding hands could be a bad sign that you and your partner will face financial challenges. Your dream is your subconscious guiding you. The dream is telling you to proceed with caution.
Take a careful look at your finances and cut out any unnecessary spending. It might also be a good time to start saving for the tougher times ahead. You also need to talk about finances openly with your partner. That is the best way to get through financial issues.
3. Holding Hands With Your Ex-Partner
If you have dreamt about holding hands with your ex, it is time to be honest with yourself. Are you harboring a wish to get back together again? Even if you haven’t admitted it to yourself, your dream might be a sign that you have not accepted that they are not a part of your life anymore.
Think carefully about your actions. Do you want to get back together with your ex? Is that even possible? If there is a chance it could work out, then the dream might be telling you to take the first step. On the other hand, it could tell you to move on. Only you will know which course of action to take.
4. Holding Hands With a Friend
A dream where you are holding hands with a friend can be symbolic of your fears of losing people you care about. You might be holding back and not developing close relationships because of your fear. This might stem from something that you have been through in the past.
If that sounds like you, then you need to leave the past behind and let yourself create close relationships again. Yes, sometimes people leave and it hurts, but as the old saying goes, better to have loved and lost than not loved at all.
An alternative interpretation is that you have been giving others too much and neglecting your own needs. The dream is the subconscious reminding you to look after yourself and make sure you get back as well as give.
5. Holding the Hand of a Child
Dreams about holding a child’s hand are often good omens and mean you will successfully solve problems in your life. Lately, you have been through some turmoil, but you will soon have the peace you crave restored.
Another interpretation is that there is something you are repressing, either emotions or events from the past you haven’t yet felt ready to deal with. The dream is saying to you that now is the time to do that and move forward. When you do, you will find more balance in your life.
6. Holding Hands With Your Boss
The simplest interpretation of this dream is that you admire and respect your boss. However, there is a possibility that you are attracted to your boss or that you have some issues with authority figures.
7. Holding Hands With a Religious Leader
A dream where you hold hands with a religious leader may point to a battle with some ethical issues either at work or in your relationships. The dream is telling you to weigh your options carefully and to remember that all actions have consequences.
8. Rivals Holding Hands
This dream often has negative connotations and can be a sign of conflict. If you know the rivals in the dream, it might mean they will be involved in a conflict and somehow you will be drawn in. If you don’t know the two rivals, it may mean that you will have a conflict with someone.
Since dreams are usually messages from our subconscious, you probably have felt the friction the dream points to in your waking life. Whether the conflict is between you and another person, or between two others, the dream is reminding you to be diplomatic when dealing with the conflict.
9. Holding Hands With a Stranger
Have you just dreamt about holding hands with an unknown person? As well as the generic interpretations included above, this dream can be a good sign. If you are single and have been feeling lonely, the dream could mean that someone important may enter your life. It could be a person who will become a close friend or a new romantic interest.
For people who have been in a relationship but are now alone, perhaps because of a divorce or even the death of their partner, the dream could mean that you are ready for a new relationship.
10. Dedicating Time to Charity Work
If you have been thinking that you would like to do more to help others, your dream could be nudging you towards charity or volunteer work. Helping others without expecting anything back is extremely rewarding.
Does this resonate with you? Then it might be time to look for volunteer opportunities where you live or even abroad. And if giving your time is not an option at the moment, you may wish to consider regular donations to a charity important to you.
Dreams are often a way for our subconscious to make sense of our current situation and carry information about the near future. They can be a sign that there are some issues we need to face or that we need to prepare ourselves to grab the opportunities destiny sends our way.
A hand-holding dream can be a sign of good luck and opportunities ahead. They can give us guidance on how to approach certain situations in life. They can also be a warning about a conflict or a moral dilemma. However, even then, they are not necessarily a bad omen, but rather a heads-up to help us prepare for what’s coming.
Remember that dreams are personal and their message depends on the dreamer, the context of the dream as well as what is happening in the dreamer’s life.
We hope to have answered all your questions about a dream about holding hands. Should you have further questions, write them in the comments section.
Angela Smith
Monday 9th of January 2023
Thank You it was very helpful. Now I see was under heaviness of my mother passed 2 years ago perhaps she close by holding my hands let me know she's okay in Heaven.